[featured_image]As I read the interesting discussion/debate among bloggers concerning missional activities and the meaning of the term “missional,” there is a curious observation to be made. Many Christians talk about participating in missional activity as if it were a choice you had. Practicing missional behaviors is not optional for a follower of Jesus. Missional activity isn’t a choice. It’s a reality.
There is a huge global mission field, and the only way to reach those who are far from Christ is for each believer to adopt missionary behaviors—to incarnationally display the gospel—to be Jesus to everyone everywhere!
When Jesus told His followers, “Go and make disciples,” it was an imperative. When He told His disciples, “Follow Me and I will make you fishers of men,” there’s an obvious connection between following and fishing for men. If a believer is following Jesus, He expects them to be fishing.
Missional Activity is NOT Optional for Christians.