The MCWD Church Multiplication Team has as its mission to facilitate a church multiplication movement in each region of the Western District through . . .
- Articulating a shared vision for multiplying disciples, leaders, small groups and churches
- Mobilizing prayer support in each region focused on multiplying churches
- Creating an enduring church planting culture
- Embracing new expressions of church
- Attracting and recruiting potential church planters from outside our movement
- Determining focus communities for starting new churches – including inner-city and cross-cultural opportunities
- Emphasizing spiritual formation in the life of potential church planters
- Assisting each local church in developing leadership farm systems and training emerging leaders (becoming a church multiplication center)
- Providing a shared pool of resources to help in the process (district website)
- Assessing potential church planters through behavioral interviews and other useful tools
- Affirming the character, call and competency of church planters
- Training church planting teams in their “embryo” state (Launch Team Retreats)
- Bringing the planters together for support, prayer, encouragement and fun! (annual gathering)
- Assigning coaches to strategically empower church planters (developing a coaching movement)
- Developing funding strategies for new churches
- Approving church planting projects and financial commitments
- Evaluating progress and effectiveness of church plants (NCD)
- Coaching parent churches to multiply and rewarding appropriately
- Anticipating lives to be changed through new churches
- Celebrating the successes and failures in church multiplication
If you are preparing to start a new church or already involved in starting a new church in California, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, New Mexico or Colorado–and you’d like to partner with us, let me know!