Whether you are reaching a community, planting a church, or discipling a neighborhood, developing a Missional Team must be a priority! In fact, it’s important to never start anything without a team.
One Challenge USA team members
Have a clear picture in mind of what those on your Missional Team will be doing — understand the role of team members.
Here’s where I think a lot of church planters get messed up. They so desperately need people that they are willing to invite anyone to join the initial team. However, they often fail to clearly spell out the expectations of team members. And unfortunately, they do not start by training them to think and act like missionaries – sent by Jesus with the cross in community to the culture for the King!
The consequence of not spelling out expectations and minimizing the need
for training is quite dangerous. Church planters end up with “team members” who are committed to serving on Sunday and inviting people to “church” rather than engaging in disciplemaking.
If you are leading others to live on mission with Jesus – first make it your priority to live on mission, and invite them to join you. Model missional behaviors first – then equip others to mimic you by embodying missional behaviors in their lives.
Don’t focus on who is going to lead worship, who is going to be on the set up and tear down team, or who is going to work with children.
Focus first on developing a team of missionaries who are making disciples who make disciples!
The Multiplication Cycle is a great model for defining the role your team members. Consider how to equip each team member in each of these key elements…
What is our Team’s Role?
- Seizing the Mission – Align my life with the mission of Jesus!
- Adopting Missional Thinking and Behaviors – Embrace missional living!
- Exegeting the Culture – Discover my Circle of Accountability!
- Incarnating the Gospel – Be Jesus to everyone everywhere!
- Multiplying Disciple Makers – Make disciples who make disciples!
- Forming Communities→Churches – Form Missional Communities!
- Mobilizing Leaders and Teams – Mentor disciplemaking leaders/teams!
Today’s Missional Challenge
Make it your priority to live on mission, and invite others to join you!