[featured_image]Have you ever considered choosing one single word to describe your expectation for a whole year?

A few years ago I chose the word Joy. I wanted my year to be characterized by Joy.

Today as I attended a meeting of coaches on the Eastside in Redmond, several coaches shared their words for this year.

  • “Ease and grace”
  • “Head and heart”
  • “Gratitude”
  • “Be Present”
  • “Laugh”
  • “Easy”
  • “Shine”
  • “Creative. Collaboration.”
  • “Confidence”
  • “Teamwork”

As I reflected on these words today, I was struck by the simplicity of focus. Imagine if you meditated on one big idea or perspective every day this year. Consider the power of focusing on one character quality or practice that you would emulate every day this year.

What if your word was “gratitude” and you began each day and ended each day by being grateful – or expressing gratitude? How would that enhance the way that you viewed life.

What if your word was “hope” and you reflected on those things that give you hope for the future? Imagine how that might affect your perspective on both the low points and high points in your day.

What if your word was “grace” and you constantly saw all of life through the eyes of grace? How might you become more grace giving as a result?

What if your word was “mission” and you evaluated every day by how you engaged in the mission of Jesus?

Choose a Word for 2014

Here’s my challenge for 2014 – choose a word. One word.

Pick something that describes a quality of life you won’t to exhibit — or a practice or activity you desire to commit yourself to this year.

• Consider the power of focus.
• Meditate on it each morning and evening.
• Develop some questions that you could ask yourself that include your chosen word.
• Measure your progress.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Choose one word that describes who you want to be. Devote yourself daily to living it to the fullest.