Sometimes we try to make things so hard. Especially our understanding of missional.

It seems like Christians are always wanting to fix the church and make the church better. I’m not convinced that the church is all that God designed her to be yet, however, I’m confident that Jesus is still at work as He said He would – “I will build My church.”

I’ve been thinking about the absence of missional leaders. I believe that there is a direct connection to the training pastors receive in seminary.

My friend Steve Bagdanov ( has a great post you should read…

Many people ask me that question and I always have given them directions or described how our church is beautifully located overlooking Castaic Lake.

Missional Transformation is a process where believers align themselves (passions, desires, behaviors, habits) with the missionary purpose of Jesus.

In its simplest form, Christianity is all about Jesus

An important aspect of Missional Christianity is Embracing the Gospel

Many people expect that becoming “missional” is a minor change or adjustment to the way they do church – like adding rugs and candles to their Sunday gatherings or adopting the local elementary school and initiating community service projects.

Here’s a quick understanding of missional – being a missionary everywhere you are!