5 Reasons Why Christians Don't Engage the Culture | missionalchallenge.com

Three years ago today on March 4, 2008 I posted: The Challenge of Engaging the Culture.

Building on biblical principles, he helps us to see how God is in the business of inner life formation.

Jesus came to seek and to save the lost. That was His mission on earth!

The Global Church Planting Network has been established to link key church planting mobilizers and coordinators to collaborate in accelerating church planting globally.

We must learn to live like the apostle Paul, looking every day outside ourselves to Christ and seeing ourselves standing before God clothed in his perfect righteousness.

Coaches are constantly learning and growing.

The place or building where your church meets is a great tool for accomplishing your mission, but the building itself is not the church. What happens when you meet there is also very critical to accomplishing the mission, but that’s not church either.

My friend Lonnie Pacelli developed The Amazon Shorts Leadership Made Simple Series to provide easy to understand, prescriptive advice for anyone who is put in a position to lead others.

Life Transformation Groups (LTGs) are a great tool that God is using in the disciple-making process. An LTG is made up of two or three people, all of the same gender, who meet weekly for personal accountability for their spiritual growth and development.