George Patterson, who served as a missionary to Honduras where he pioneered principles of church planting that resulted in the spontaneous multiplication of churches, notes this:

Many church planters follow such a long list of things to do to start a church that they fail to give top priority to the few essential activities, and end up doing so many things that the key, pivotal elements of church planting are buried in the plethora of work items.

Patterson suggests that church planters should simply start out doing what Jesus orders us to do in the New Testament:
make obedient disciples. He discovered the pority of applying basic biblical principles in Honduran villages where church planting methods were ineffective.

IF you want to start a church, you might want to check out this check list of 400+ things to do to start a new church –
click here.

OR, you can start by making disciples who choose to live a life of simple, loving, childlike obedience to Jesus commands.