[featured_image]This is a four-part series on developing leaders.

Good leaders intentionally develop more leaders.

If you are a church planter, pastor, or elder, you have a responsibility to raise up and develop godly leaders around you. You can’t just expect that God will bring you “ready to go” leaders. You have to be intentional about raising them up!

Beginning with a clear picture of the type of leaders that you are developing will help you focus intentionally on specific areas of their growth and development.

Here are sixteen categories to consider in determining if someone is qualified to serve in a leadership role in a local church. They are also sixteen areas to pay attention to as you work to intentionally develop spiritual leaders around you.

16 Categories for Spiritual Leadership Development

We covered the first 12 categories in part 1, part 2, and part 3.

  1. Christ Follower Radical Obedience to Jesus
  2. Character Demonstrates Godly Fruit
  3. Calling Called to Lead God’s People
  4. Core Practices Spiritual Disciplines
  5. Conviction Embraces & Defends Sound Doctrine
  6. Community Lives Authentically in Close Relationships
  7. Commission Makes Disciples who Make Disciples who Make Disciples
  8. ClarityClearly Articulates Mission, Vision & Values
  9. Contacts–Invests in Friendships with Unbelievers
  10. ContributionGives Generously to God’s Work
  11. ConnectionActively Participates in Local Church Life
  12. CompatibilityShaped for Leadership

Now for the final four categories….

13. CommitmentTested Through Difficulties

The spiritual leaders whom God uses greatly are those who have endured great challenges. “The testing of your faith produces perseverance.” Spiritual leaders must be men and women who persevere. They don’t give up when things are hard. They press on. They demonstrate commitment to Christ and His cause no matter what the cost.

14. CompetenceEvidences Leadership Skills

Spiritual leaders demonstrate that they have skills in leading others. It’s obvious that people follow them. They carry the ability to influence God’s people to accomplish God’s purposes. They lead with the confidence that they can get where they need to go. They aren’t rookies.

15. CapacityAble to Lead by Serving and Caring for People

Not only do spiritual leaders possess leadership skills, they have the capacity (actual ability to perform) to lead and it’s evident in the way that people are served. How do you know someone has the capacity to lead? When they are leading, people are following. Followers are confident they can do the job.

16. Chemistry – Relates Well with Other Leaders

Some leaders love being in control but cannot lead other leaders. Sparks fly. Spiritual leaders are able to lead with a plurality of godly leaders. They exhibit the relational skills necessary to get along well with other leaders, as well as the humility to defer to other leaders when necessary.

It would be such a blessing for church planters if qualified, competent spiritual leaders eagerly joined in the effort to start a new church together. That’s not what typically happens. There may be some leaders who join, but never enough. Church planters have to own the responsibility for raising up leaders in a church plant. That’s a responsibility that cannot be delegated. Every leader needs to be developing leaders. Leadership development has to happen at every level. But the lead planter can never say, “That’s not my job.” It must be owned, modeled, and influenced at the top from the start.

How are you growing in each of these last 4 Categories?

If you are a leader, how will you intentionally develop other leaders to grow in each of these 12 Categories?