I am thrilled to recommend The Missional Journey: Multiplying disciples and churches that transform the world. The book is written by my friend and mentor Bob Logan.

Here’s a brief summary of what the book is about: There are plenty of books about discipleship and about Christian living. Likewise, there are plenty of books about the church, about leading groups, and even about church planting. There are very few books that are about all of these things—and how the pieces fit together.

The Missional Journey book | missionalchallenge.comBut that’s what The Missional Journey: multiplying disciples and churches that transform the world is all about. Everything is crammed into that subtitle: making disciples, starting churches, multiplying at every level, and making a difference in the world around us. Together, all of this adds up to a renewed vision for what the church could look like, from the grassroots up.

I first met Bob when Deanne and I were preparing to plant a church in Southern California nearly 25 years ago. Since then Bob has authored many books and helped church planters all over the world to join God in mission.

Over the past months, Bob and I have begun to collaborate on the development of resources that would advance missional movements globally. The Missional Journey book is the first to be released. When you read the book, you’ll quickly discover that we’ve captured both of our voices. The main sections and flow of thought are provided by Bob with my personal commentary scattered throughout each chapter. I can best describe my contribution as if you and I were sitting down together as you are reading the book. I would want to be saying to you – “This is important, don’t miss this point.” Or, “Let’s pause a moment and reflect on that thought before reading anything else.” Or, “Here’s another thought or perspective on what Bob just said.” Picture me as your coach right next to you as you are reading, and helping you to get the maximum out of what you are reading.

Here’s one example of what that looks like:

I also put together the study guides at the end of each chapter. These will help you take what you are processing and put it into action.

You can download the pdf of chapter 4 of The Missional Journey here.

You can purchase The Missional Journey in print here or a digital version on kindle, iBooks or nook.

For more on collaborative resources with Logan Leadership, visit missionaltoolkit.com.

Today’s Missional Challenge

Read The Missional Journey and discover ways that you can engage the culture, form communities, develop leadership, and multiply movements.