[featured_image]My friend, Steve Bagdanov, posted this video on his blog and I thought it was worth posting again.
He writes:
Here is an interesting video on the speed of information growth, the size of the world in human terms and some information that should challenge our “America is superior” tendencies
After recently visiting India for two weeks and reading The World is Flat by Thomas L. Friedman, I have a new understanding of the issues of globalization. The technological advances that we have already experienced and those that are ahead present new opportunities for spreading the Good News of the Gospel!
However, it’s amazing to consider that Christianity grew from as few as 25,000 Christians in AD 100 to up to 20,000,000 Christians in AD 310 without the use of multi-media, computers, video, satellites, or printed Bibles. They didn’t have buildings, professional clergy, seeker-sensitive services, youth groups, worship bands, seminaries or commentaries. (Alan Hirsch, The Forgotten Ways, p 18-19)
SHIFT HAPPENS …and will continue to happen.
Becoming missional requires a complete realignment of one’s daily life with the redemptive mission of Jesus. It’s not just making minor changes, but a major adjustment – changing your whole way of living to “be Jesus” to everyone everywhere! Followers of Jesus must fundamentally reorient their relationship with those in the culture around them.
Please check out some of my previous posts on Missional Shifts for ideas of the shifts that are necessary today.