It’s my privilege to serve the Missionary Church Western District as the Director of Church Multiplication. I have been in this role for over ten years. It’s been a true blessing for me to come alongside church planters and their teams to encourage their ongoing devMCWD Church Planters Prayer Update - June 2012 | missionalchallenge.comelopment!

Each month, I send out an email with prayer requests for the new churches in the MCWD. If you’d like to be added to this email list – sign up online here.

Here’s the beginning of this month’s email…

It was a wonderful blessing to gather together wtih our church planting teams last month at our Western District Conference in Indian Wells. Our pre-conference luncheon was very meaningful as we heard what God is doing throughout the district. There was a common theme of “being sifted” that resonated in many of the stories. Thanks for praying for this time!

Exciting Opportunities

  • Phil and Laina Graf have been part of the MCWD for over 25 years and have recently returned to Oxnard after serving as missionaries in Amsterdam and Lisbon. Phil shares: “We just got a bunch of people in Oxnard together one night to just talk, and it’s kind of becoming a church. We didn’t intend to plant a church — it just looks that way….We usually have a meal and have some God talk. Stay tuned.” Phil’s vision is to see fifty churches planted in Oxnard alone. Pray for this wonderful opportunity!
  • We have been dialoguing for a few months with Dan and Melissa Rutty who are exploring the possibility of partnering with the MCWD as they plant a church in Boulder, Colorado. This month they are moving from North Carolina! Check out their website: www.reverencemovement.com. Dan shares: “There are 11 on our ground team who will be leaving everything behind to begin this movement in one of the most spiritual but unchurched cities in America. Our mission is to invite people to be students of the real Jesus and teach them how to live in awe of God, love the world, and leave a legacy. We could use much prayer in this time as we faithfully push forward despite a long desert experience for our team.” See prayer requests below.
  • God is moving David and Krysta Christensen who have been serving with The Harbor in Oxnard to take this very missional model of ministry to a place where people desperately need God. They’ve been praying and fasting and exploring a move to India! David shares: “You know you are called to cross-cultural missions when you feel really uncomfortable here where everybody seems to feel the most comfortable….We’re uncomfortable. We want to disciple homeless people and turn them into missionaries and send them out.” It’s happening in Ventura! Now they intend to launch disciplemaking movements cross-culturally in several places around the world among Muslim people! Pray that God will raise up replacements to lead the Kingdom Center Oxnard and Operation Embrace.

Read the rest of the newsletter online…

Today’s Missional Challenge

Pray for church planters and their teams!