[featured_image]Do you love what you do?

I do. And I consider that to be a huge blessing. I never want to take that for granted.

So what do I do?

To state it simply – I help fruit grow on other people’s trees.

Isn’t that awesome?

I learned long ago that it’s not about me – it’s all about Jesus! I tried for awhile to plant a church Dave’s way. It didn’t work. I needed to realize that it was Christ’s church and not mine – and therefore it was important to plant it God’s way. This was a huge learning for me.

I am so much more fulfilled and fruitful in ministry when I’m focused on His mission, His purpose, His vision, His values – and not whatever I can ever imagine doing for God.

As I focus on God’s mission I get excited, I live to come alongside pastors and church planters to help them fulfill their purpose and calling. Most often I do this through assessing, training and coaching.

When the leaders that I am working with are fruitful and fulfilled in their ministry, then I feel fruitful and fulfilled. When they grow in their leadership skills, their ministry effectiveness, or missional impact – when fruit is growing on their tree – I totally come alive! This is what I’m living for – multiplying kingdom fruit in others!