[featured_image]Every time I’m asked to autograph my book Six-Word Lessons to Discover Missional Living, I include the reference Matthew 4:19. This verse challenges me every time I read it.
Jesus said –
“Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”
If you are following Jesus, you will be fishing for men. How do I know this? Because Jesus said He will make you a fisher of men.
I’ve often wondered if I’m not fishing for men, what does that say about my commitment and devotion to following Jesus. If I’m honest with myself, I can make all kinds of excuses. Yet the reality is clear to me – if I’m not fishing for men, I’m not following Jesus.
Christ followers are disciplemakers – they are fishing for men. They are seeking out those who are not yet following Jesus and inviting them to follow Jesus! This is what they do.
Jesus was a disciplemaker. He expected His followers to be disciplemakers.
When He gave His followers the instruction to “Go and make disciples” (Matt 28:19-20) — He didn’t expect them to find people who were already following Him and help them to follow Jesus better. He expected them to find non-Christians (lost, unbelievers, non-disciples, irreligious people) and lead them to follow Jesus.
Notes from recent conversation on Mt 4:19
Every Christian needs to follow Jesus and fish for men.
Every person you meet either needs to be encouraged to follow Jesus or to fish for men!
I want to challenge you to view yourself as a Disciplemaking Trainer! Focus on training others to follow Jesus and fish for men!
Explore these posts on Disciplemaking!
Today’s Missional Challenge
Be a disciplemaking trainer! Follow Jesus and fish for men!