The Multiplication Training System Course (NEW)

Multiplication Training System Course

This training experience was designed with you and your team in mind! Our commitment is to support church planting teams as they seek to make disciples who make disciples who make disciples. The Multiplication Training System is focused on training you to train every believer to become a disciplemaker. If you want to see a multiplication movement, switch from simply training disciples to training disciplemaking trainers. Don’t just train leaders, train leaders who are training leaders. Every time you train someone to do anything, include an emphasis in your training on how they can pass the training on to others. Imagine the multiplication that would take place if everyone you trained were committed to training others to train others. This is what Paul had in mind –

“And the things which you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others.” 2 Timothy 2:2

Imagine if every time you taught God’s Word to others, those whom you taught were obedient to God’s Word and they also taught others what they were learning. What if the gospel message was not simply taught and learned, but actually passed on to others who passed it on to others? This is what Jesus intended when He sent His disciples to make disciples. He expected them to train others who would become trainers. He expected them to pass it on.

Who are you training to become disciplemaking trainers?

If you are the only one training disciplemakers, you become the limiting factor in reproducing disciplemakers. You have a limited capacity. But if you train to train others – you become a multiplication engine. There is no limit to reproduction if everyone you train becomes a trainer of trainers. As you disciple someone, train them to start discipling others. Help them to identify everyone they know personally who doesn’t yet follow Jesus. Train them to present their testimony and the gospel. Pray with them for opportunities to present the gospel message. Train them to start doing this with every person who becomes a follower of Jesus. Train your disciples to make disciples who are trained to make disciples. Start churches by making disciples who make disciples! The Multiplication Training System Course will show you how to do it.

Course Information

Estimated Time: Move at your own pace

Course Instructor

Dave DeVries Dave DeVries Author

Dr. Dave DeVries is a coach, trainer, author and founder of Missional Challenge. He is passionate about coaching and training church planters and missional leaders. With 30+ years of church planting and leadership development experience, Dave brings his passion and encouragement to those he trains and coaches.

The Multiplication Training System Course

1 year of access

Start churches by making disciples who make disciples!

The Multiplication Training System Course will show you how to do it.

Enjoy one year of access to all training modules.

Start Here!

Seize the Mission of Jesus!

Adopt Missional Thinking & Behaviors

Exegete the Culture

Incarnate the Gospel

Multiply Disciplemakers

Form Missional Communities →Churches!

Mobilize Leaders & Teams

Clarify Vision

Evaluation and Resources

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