[featured_image]Question: What’s necessary to be effective in helping others start following Jesus?
Answer: 1) Personal commitment to following Jesus fully. 2) Contact with people who aren’t yet following Jesus. If you spend a lot of your time meeting with Christians for worship and Bible Study, hanging out with Christian friends, serving other Christians and enjoying fellowship with Christians — you will have a hard time helping anyone to start following Jesus. When Jesus sent His followers to make disciples, He didn’t intend for them to find people who were already following Him and to help them follow Him better. He intended for you to hang out with those who weren’t yet following Jesus and to actually show them what it looks like to follow Jesus.There is no impact without contact.
If you are not seeing that anyone around you has started to follow Jesus because of you in the past year, I’d suggest that you need to work on both of these things. How can you follow Jesus more fully?
How can you increase your contact/impact with those close to you who aren’t yet following Jesus?
Today’s Missional Challenge
More contact!