David Garrison describes church planting movements (CPMs) as “a rapid multiplication of indigenous churches planting churches that sweeps through a people group or population segment.” After studying lots and lots of these movements worldwide, they’ve observed that church plating movements always outstrip the population growth rate as they race toward reaching the entire people group.
One thing that is happening in CPMs is that they do not simply add new churches. Instead, they multiply. Surveys of CPMs indicated that virtually every church is engaged in starting multiple new churches.
They are satisfied with nothing less than a vision to reach their entire people group or city – every man, woman and child.
What if your church decided to reach every man, woman, and child in your city? What would it take? How many churches could be birthed if you started making disciples who make disciples who make disciples who make disciples?
What if you partnered together with other churches to start multiplying disciplemakers and churches all over the place? What if you started inviting other churches to join you to disciple your local neighborhoods? and to disciple your city?
What if the momentum of reproducing churches outstripped the ability of your church to control it? What if the making of disciplemakers and multiplying of churches became the ONE THING that every believer in your city was committed to? How many lives would be transformed by the power of the gospel?
What if…?