Guest post by Dan Riemenschneider
So you want to change your church. You know it is not where God wants His church to be and your heart is aching to see this wonderful creation of God become the disciple making movement God intended.
But how do you do this without blowing up the church and hurting people in the process? While not easy, it is possible. God is in the business of transformation. What is impossible for us to make happen, God can perform miracles and bring life from death.
This is a journey not for the faint of heart. But for those willing to take the journey there is an incredible sense of fulfillment when God takes what was broken and uses this to impact people and make disciples.
Are you ready?
One word of caution. Do not attempt this without a coach. We all have blind spots and a coach can help you work through the changes that should be made now and those that can wait. A coach can help you identify personal attitudes or anger that can be destructive in the process rather than helpful and healing. And a coach can help you sort through all the confusing details and ideas to focus on the key ones that will make a difference.
There are two skills you as a leader need to master to strengthen your church, to turn your church into a disciple making environment. One skill is navigating the process of change. The second skill is bringing the key influencers along with you on this journey.
[More to follow in subsequent posts.]
Today’s Missional Challenge
Before setting out to change your church – make sure you confirm that God wants your church to change. Then get a coach!