In my previous article I said running a Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is simple. So why do we want an app? I must confess I once thought that myself. Until we were contacted by some people who desperately needed it.

It was no longer words in book – it was living in their hearts.
We hear this kind of thing often. It’s one of the reasons we love DBS. It enables anyone to share what they are learning about God with their community, even if they are only just discovering faith for themselves.

When faced with something that makes me feel uncomfortable, I look to God and I think of Daniel. Like sitting with lions, I can also sit with whatever is before me now.

Leaders have the opportunity to mentor future generations of leaders. This is such an important priority for pastors and spiritual leaders. Yet many abdicate this responsibility. Instead, they torment young, emerging leaders.

The End of Procrastination

Sometimes I procrastinate. I postpone doing things that I know I need to do. And then I do something else. Perhaps you do this too.