Take the Missional Challenge

You are invited to Take the Missional Challenge:

31 Days to Align with Jesus’ Mission!

Take the Missional Challenge is a 31 Day experience designed to help align believers with Jesus’ mission. Each day’s post includes missional concepts and activities.


Each day includes specific tasks to help you discover what missional living is all about, and action steps to start “being Jesus” to those around you!

“Take the Missional Challenge” is an opportunity to dive into missional living head first. Your life will never be the same! You see, following Jesus and aligning your life with His mission is supposed to change your life. And not only yours, but quite possibly the lives of those around you – your family, your friends, your neighbors, your co-workers and associates.

In fact, if you want to embrace missional living to the fullest extent, why not invite some of your closest friends to join you in the journey. Together you’ll discover ways to think and act (believe and behave) that may accelerate the start of a missional movement in your town, your city or your county. (Just send them a link to this post…or share on your facebook page or twitter…or call them and invite them to join you.)


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