We’d love to offer you a 30-minute complimentary session with one of our coaches to help you discover how working with a Missional Challenge coach will benefit you.
Name *
E-Mail *
Mobile Phone *
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1. What should I know about your personal and professional background or history that you believe will help me understand you and allow me to better support you? *
2. What have been your three most fulfilling accomplishments in your life, thus far? *
3. What do you want to make sure you do or accomplish in your lifetime? *
4. What motivates you? *
5. What are the 1-3 most important things you’d like to accomplish as we work together over the next 90+ days? Please be very specific. *
6. What, if anything, is likely to get in the way or prevent you from accomplishing any of these things? *
7. How will you know your investment in coaching has been worthwhile? *