Missional Challenge
Aligning Every Believer With the Mission of Jesus.
We are passionate about disciples making disciples everywhere! We coach and train church planters and missional leaders to advance disciplemaking movements globally.
We developed The Multiplication Cycle™ to assist church planters to start churches by making disciples first.
With 25+ years of church planting and leadership development experience, including coaching hundreds of leaders globally, Dave DeVries and his team bring their passion and encouragement to those they train and coach.
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Dave has been coaching church planters for a long time….He knows what is important and what is strategic. In this book of missional axioms, he passes on some of that wisdom in a memorable way. A good distillation of key ideas.
Author of The Forgotten Ways and co-author of Untamed, reJesus and The Shaping of Things to Come
God spoke the world into existence in only 6 days with a few words. Jesus saved the world uttering only a few things. Can we change the world with six words or less? Dave DeVries gives it a try. Learning to speak in a concise and yet meaningful manner is a developing art form. In the day of twitter and facebook we are all learning how to say something important in 140 characters or less. The wisdom shared in this book took a whole lot longer to learn than it takes to read, so take advantage of this book!
Author of Organic Church, Organic Leadership, and Church 3.0, and Founder and Director of Church Multiplication Associates
My friend Dave DeVries has collected his best learnings after two decades of church planting ministry and boiled them down to a collection of insightful six word statements and quotes. I am using them for inspiration, motivation, and training, as well as starters for a great discussion. You can too!
Co-author of The Church Planter’s Toolkit and Transformissional Coaching
Dave’s translation of kingdom principles into missional application is necessary for any disciple or disciplemaker who wants a ministry rooted in theological thinking that matches harvest-oriented practice. In keeping his ideas and format simple, he gives us no excuse but to get to work being “doers of the Word, not merely hearers only.”
Co-founder of The Organic Church Planters’ Greenhouse and Associate Professor of Leadership, Azusa Pacific University

Six-word Lessons by Dave DeVries is a little book with a big message. Each six-word lesson is packed with wisdom for ministry leaders. This book is filled with succinct, easy-to-read, lessons learned from years of ministry experience. The ideas are simple but profound– principles and practices that every healthy leader should implement. Reflecting on a chapter a day will yield insights that can bring about transformation for your life and ministry.
Church planters need a checklist, a series of quick reminders to keep them on a God directed course. Planting is filled with distractions provoked by the tyranny of the urgent need to “get there”. Planters go 100 MPH. At such a pace it doesn’t take long to miss the destination. Dave DeVries has erected a series of road signs. This is not a book to merely read…it is a book to keep close by and read again!
Dave DeVries nails it with these pithy six word lessons. They are truths distilled from a life time of ministry and study and easily transferable to any context. Great reminders for keeping the main thing, the main thing in church planting.