
Do you take the time to discover people’s spiritual journeys?

I’ve enjoyed connecting with my friends Hugh Halter and Matt Smay here at the Exponential Conference in Orlando. I found this interview online about their new book. Check it out… Why did you write this book?

I am at the National New Church Conference in Orlando, Florida this week. I arrived a day earlier to attend a Pre-Conference Intensive on “Attractional AND Incarnational Church Planting.”

Recently, I volunteered to participate with others in answering this question. There’s been a lot of blogs about “being missional,” “missional living,” and “missional behaviors.” I’ve posted a lot about missional Christianity, missional transformation, missional distinctives, and missional practices.

If I think I can believe in Jesus and follow Jesus and love Jesus and obey Jesus without taking steps to align my life and behaviors in such a way that embraces and embodies the redemptive mission and message of Jesus, than I am deluding myself. God help me…

The fact is, everyone experiences discomfort when someone outside our circle of friends tries to influence us about personal, significant matters. We all naturally gravitate toward people we already know and trust. Friends listen to friends. They confide in friends. They let friends influence them.

One of the most powerful tools in leading someone to Christ is your own story of how by God’s grace you came to personally know Jesus. Paul shared his story when he appeared before King Agrippa. Read Acts 26:1-29, then answer the following questions:

Asking questions is a great way to redirect conversations toward spiritual things. Asking questions can directly introduce God, Jesus, faith or the gospel into your conversation. Instead of waiting for opportunities, by asking an appropriate question, you creates them.

Every person has a story – a unique story of their life history, including their spiritual journey. To understand their journey, you need to know where they have been, where they are and where they are going.

In The Externally Focused Church, you can read about Colorado Community Church in Aurora, CO. “They are defined by going after those who are still in the water.”