One of the most important things we should do as followers of Jesus is listen to and obey Jesus.

If you are making disciples of Jesus – help them learn to listen to His voice AND help them to obey His voice.

Luke 6:46 – “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?”
Listen and Obey!
Today, while we were talking together about the importance of recognizing Jesus’ voice and doing what He says, someone mentioned Beth Moore’s experience with a hairbrush. I had never heard this moving story – so I googled it: Beth Moore hairbrush
I was surprised to discover a YouTube video where she is telling the story – you can watch it here.

“This is how much God thinks of us memorizing Scripture but not doing anything with it….”
How have you learned to listen to God’s voice?

In what ways are you obeying what He says?

I wonder what would happen if we focused more on listening to God’s voice and doing exactly what He says!

Today’s Missional Challenge

Listen to God’s voice and obey what He says! Then help others to listen and obey God’s voice!