[featured_image]5 Missional Implications for Local Churches | missionalchallenge.com
Tonight I had the opportunity to speak on Disciples Making Disciples at the CRM ChurchNext Staff Conference. It was a a wonderful opportunity to share my belief and passion that every believer is sent by Jesus to make disciples who make disciples.

I’m looked forward to continued conversation on this tomorrow.

Here are my main points:

  • Jesus was on a disciplemaking mission
  • Jesus expects His disciples to be making disciples
  • Disciplemaking starts with non-disciples

What are the implications for your local church?

If you truly embrace these truths, I’d offer these 5 implications to consider…

1. Making disciples must be an expectation of all your church leaders and members.
2. Whatever your ministry focus – it must be aligned in some way with Jesus mission.
3. One measurable outcome of ministry impact must include disciplemaking fruit.
4. Empowering believers to make disciples who make disciples must be a priority for your pastors.
5. You can influence the transformation of lives in your community!

Today’s Missional Challenge

Start making disciples who will make disciples!

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